What to Expect for Adults

Neurotech's In-Home Monitored EEG for Adults

Before your appointment:

  • Please plan to stay home for the duration of your in-home EEG study. It is critically important for your physician and Neurotech monitoring staff to access your EEG daily.
  • A Neurotech EEG technologist will call you 24-48 hours before the scheduled appointment to confirm the date and time, explain the procedure, and complete health questionnaire.
  • Wash your hair within 24 hours of your appointment. It is important that you keep your hair free of any hair products such as sprays, oils or gel during the day prior to the hookup.
  • We recommend that hair weaves or hair extensions that are attached to the scalp be removed for the EEG test to be performed.

The day of your EEG hookup - Patient Safety:

  • Your safety is our priority! Neurotech follows the CDC’s and local health department’s recommendations for infection control.
  • Neurotech technologists use appropriate personal protective equipment and follow appropriate infection control precautions.
  • If you or any members of your household have symptoms or were exposed to flue like illness please let us know and we will reschedule your visit. 
  • We strongly suggest you wear a button or zipper down shirt, or a shirt with a large neck line. This allows an individual to easily change their shirt without disturbing the electrodes.
  • All pets should be put in a crate or another room while the EEG tech is in your home.
  • No smoking is allowed while the EEG tech is at your home.
  • Lockup any open fire-arms while the EEG tech is at your home.
  • We will need a table and a chair for the set up near an power outlet.

EEG Hookup Appointment:

  • A Neurotech EEG technologist will come to your home to set up and start the study.
  • The technologist will measure and mark your head and apply 21-23 EEG electrodes to record your brain’s electrical activity.
  • Once the EEG electrodes are in place, your head will be wrapped with a conforming bandage to make sure the EEG wires remain secure.
  • The electrodes on your head are connected to a recording device that is worn around the waist in a fanny pack/backpack.
  • The technologist will explain how the equipment works, how to mark events and seizures, and how to contact Neurotech support staff during the EEG.
  • In-home EEG appointments usually last about 1.5 - 2 hours.
  • A Neurotech laptop will be left with you in the home to facilitate remote monitoring if applicable. If your EEG requires video, a camera will also be left with you in the home.
  • During your EEG, it is critically important to stay in the same room as the recording laptop and, if it is a Video EEG, in the camera's view. This way your physician and Neurotech's monitoring staff will be able to access your EEG throughout the recording.
  • The hookup tech will leave you with instructions on how to remove the electrodes when the study is complete

Remote Monitoring (if applicable):

  • A Neurotech monitoring technologist will log in and remotely check the integrity of the recording throughout the duration of the study.
  • The remote monitoring technologist may call you if they notice a problem with the electrodes' connectivity or if the laptop signal is lost.
  • An on-call technologist may be dispatched back to your home to troubleshoot and fix any problems.
  • Neurotech remote monitoring technologists are available 24/7 to answer any questions or concerns. Please feel free to call Neurotech's Support line at (866) 641-1777.
  • When you are ready to end your EEG, a Neurotech monitoring technologist will stop the recording remotely and assist you with disconnection.
  • The EEG equipment will be picked up from your home at the scheduled time discuss during the appointment. Your EEG data cannot be sent to your physician until the equipment has been returned.

Before your appointment:

  • Do not get the equipment wet while wearing it (no showers or baths).
  • No scratching the head.
  • No running, jumping, wrestling or extreme physical activity.
  • No chewing gum or sucking on hard candy (constant chewing doesn’t allow for a proper recording).
  • No electricity should directly touch the electrodes (no headphones, electric blankets, etc.).