Patient Rights and Responsibilities
Patient Rights
As a patient of Neurotech, you have the right to:
- EEG testing regardless of age, race, color, ethnicity/national origin, religion, culture, language, physical or mental disability, socioeconomic status, sex (including sex characteristics, including intersex traits; pregnancy or related conditions; sexual orientation; gender identity, and sex stereotypes) or source of payment
- be treated with courtesy and respect of your dignity by Neurotech staff members, in a safe environment, free of abuse and harassment
- have another individual appointed to have legal responsibility to make decisions regarding medical care on behalf of the patient
- know the name, role, and qualification of the referring physician, interpreting physician, and the EEG tech(s) providing care or monitoring of your EEG
- confidentiality of all communications and medical records pertaining to your care; written permission will be obtained prior to the release of records to anyone not directly involved in your care
- access to your medical records within a reasonable time period and in accordance with laws and regulations
- receive as much information as possible regarding the EEG procedure so you can give informed consent or refuse the course of treatment
- prompt and reasonable responses to your requests for service
- be informed of Neurotech policies and practices that relate to patient care, treatment and service
- details and explanations regarding the billing of the EEG test regardless of source of payment
- file a written complaint without fear of retaliation or discrimination. Complaints and concerns can be reported to:
Neurotech, LLC
Attn: Office Manager
626 W. Moreland Blvd
Waukesha, WI 53188
Telephone: 262-754-0898
- If your complaint cannot be resolved promptly, you may discuss your concern with the Compliance Officer by calling 262-875-6555.
- You also have the right to file a complaint with The Joint Commission by going to the Report a Patient Safety Concern or Complaint webpage at : and submitting an online complaint. You can also download and complete a form for reporting a patient safety concern, and mail it to:
Office of Quality Monitoring Joint Commission One Renaissance Boulevard
Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181
Fax: 630-792-5636
Patient Responsibilities
As patient of Neurotech, you have the responsibility to:
- provide accurate and complete information regarding your health to the best of your knowledge, including past illnesses, medications, allergies, and any other matters related to your health care status
- keep scheduled appointments (or provide ample notice if you are unable to keep an appointment)
- cooperate and communicate with Neurotech staff and ask questions if you do not understand directions or have problems
- support mutual respect by maintaining civil language and conduct in interactions with Neurotech staff
- follow instructions, policies, rules, and regulations in place to support quality care for patients and a safe environment for EEG techs entering your home
- understand that you are responsible for your outcome if you choose not to follow Neurotech’s instructions
- contact the ordering/referring physician for EEG test results
- contact your health insurance company to ensure you have active insurance coverage on the day(s) of the test, the EEG test is a covered benefit, and Neurotech is an in-network provider
- pay any and all sums that may become due for the services provided by Neurotech, included but not limited to deductibles, co-payments, co-insurance, out-of-pocket requirements, and non-covered services
- ensure another competent adult is present during the duration of the EEG test
- contact emergency medical responders for urgent medical matters
- remove electrodes at the conclusion of the EEG test
- return all Neurotech equipment and property at the conclusion of the EEG test