About Us

Providing the most clinically comprehensive EEG service in the industry.

Our team at Neurotech has been helping to improve patient outcomes since 2006. Neurotech is a proven leader in delivering greater test accuracy as well as a consistently positive patient experience, with a 95% patient satisfaction rating.


Transforming lives through EEGs.

Core Values

Integrity:  Follow the highest professional and ethical standards to support a culture of honesty, personal accountability, trust, and respect.

Compassion: Treat others with empathy, loving kindness, dignity, and respect.

Excellence:  Supporting teamwork, innovation, and continuous improvement while providing high-quality healthcare services that meet or exceed Neurotech and industry standards. 

In-Home aEEG

An alternative to an unmonitored ambulatory EEG, we perform all types of EEGs with no test restrictions, including: Routine, Sleep Deprived, Short- and Long-Term Monitored EEG recordings. Procedures can be done in the home or office setting, and all can be done with or without video. The patient’s EEG is always monitored in real time by Registered EEG Technologists, and on-call technologists are available to intervene on all quality control measures. Neurotech also serves as an accredited EEG clinical education site to train and educate EEG students. Our in-home service improves our patients’ comfort and provides a cost-effective alternative to a hospital stay. Neurotech is committed to providing the highest quality, long-term, monitored EEG testing available—in the time and place which best meets our patients’ needs.

Learn more about Ambulatory EEGs >

Continuous EEG:

Neurotech’s hospital EEG monitoring is available on a continuous or intermittent basis. Partnering with neurologists from high-level academic facilities, Neurotech provides the needed expertise to remotely monitor patients in the ICU or EMU.

Learn more about Continuous EEGs > 

Clinical Research:

Neurotech’s EEG testing enables contact research organizations and principal investigators to expand the range of clinical testing services they offer, reducing reliance on institutional EEG equipment and technologists.

Learn more about Clinical Research & Neurotech >

Our team is ready to talk and answer your questions. Contact us at (866) 374-7648 or fill out our contact form.


Neurotech truly appreciates any and all feedback from our patients.